Issued: 07 / 2017
Publisher: Charles University, Faculty of Arts Press
ISSN: 2336-6710
119 pages
The Situation with Regard to Language and Nationality in the Teschen (Cieszyn/Těšín) Region before 1880
(Dan Gawrecki) p. 7-21 |
The Czech/Czechoslovak National Council and the Censuses in the Period 1910–1930
(Andrea Pokludová) p. 22-41 |
“To show the world that we are not barbarians but Germans”: The Role of the Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt in France and Annexed Alsace (1940–1944)
(Daniel Hadwiger) p. 42-53 |
The Personal Structure of the Regional Committees of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia in České Budějovice, Ostrava and Prague, 1945–1951
(Tomáš Hemza) p. 54-75 |
Competitors in the Same Boat. Business Strategies of the Leading Players on the Czechoslovak and Austrian Cement Markets (1918–1938)
(Tomáš Gecko) p. 76-96 |
Die Meinungsforschung in den Ländern des ehemaligen sowjetischen Blocks Klaus Bachmann, Jens Gieseke (eds.), The Silent Majority in Communist and Post-Communist States. Opinion Polling in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang 2016
(Lenka Krátká) p. 99-101 |
Interwar Entrepreneurs in the Whirl of Economic Booms and Crises Drahomír Jančík — Barbora Štolleová (eds.), Pivo, zbraně i tvarůžky. Podnikatelé meziválečného Československa ve víru konjunktur a krizí, Prague: Maxdorf 2014
(Jan Štemberk) p. 102-105 |
Large-scale Enterprise in the Bohemian Lands between the Nazi Occupation and the Transition to “People’s Democracy” Jaromír Balcar, Panzer für Hitler — Traktoren für Stalin. Groβunternehmen in Böhmen und Mähren 1938–1950, München: Oldenbourg Verlag, 2014
(Barbora Štolleová) p. 106-108 |
In memoriam of Jiří Kořalka (7th February 1931 — 30th January 2015)
(Jiří Pokorný) p. 111-115 |